Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 2: Trust

Another wonderful day at VBS 2008! Today, we learned about Joseph and how important it is to trust God.

Joseph was the youngest of 11 sons. He was his father, Jacob's, favourite son. The special attention given to Joseph made his brothers very jealous and angry. Some of them plotted to get rid of Joseph. They set a trap for him and dropped him down a deep well, then sold him as a slave to some travellers. The brothers lied to their father and said a wild animal killed Joseph.

But God stayed with Joseph as he travelled to the far away land of Egypt and became a slave in the house of Potiphar, one of Pharaoh's officials. Potiphar put Joseph in charge of his whole household, but there was an incident and Joseph was injustly thrown in jail! While in the jailhouse, he helped his fellow prisoners by interpreting their dreams.

After a long time, Pharaoh was haunted by a bad dream and no one could interpret it's meaning. He sent for Joseph who warned him that a long famine would strike the land of Egypt. Pharaoh asked Potiphar who he trusted to put in charge of food in the land, and he said, "Joseph". Pharaoh made Joseph second in command over the land of Egypt.

Jacob and his sons, Joseph's 10 older brothers, and his new younger brother, Benjamin, needed food from the famine. The older brothers travelled to Egypt to get some food for their families. They bowed down to Joseph, whom they don't recognize, and begged for food. Joseph took pity on them, even after all the bad stuff they did to him, and gave them food. He sent them to collect his father, Jacob, and younger brother, Benjamin, and they all moved to the land of Egypt.

Joseph had a very tough life, but in everything that happened he trusted God. When he had problems, he prayed to God and sought help in decisions. Joseph trusted God, and it saved his family's life and the land of Egypt.

Full of Hot Air:
What makes a hot air ballooon float into the sky? Is it the nylon balloon? The basket? The pilot? Not really, although these things are very important. What makes the hot air balloon float into the sky is the hot air inside of it. Although you cannot see this hot air, the pilot and passengers trust that it is there and that it won't just disappear when they get into the sky. It's difficult to put your trust in something you cannot see.

Who do you trust?
Trust is a very important quality. The list of people in whom you can put your complete trust is not very long. Parents, siblings, Pastor, close friends, and teachers are people in our lives that we should be able to trust 100%. But above all of these people, we should trust God. He will never let us down. Even at times when we are afraid and don't feel we can share our thoughts with anyone, God is there and ready to listen. He is our constant companion.

Power Prayer:
"Oh my God, in you I put my trust." Psalm 25:2a

Tomorrow's Lesson: Listen