Saturday, July 12, 2008

Day 5: Serve

VBS 2008 has come to a close, and we had a fantastic time learning great new songs and Bible stories, crafts, science experiments with Doctor Loon and, of course, fun with Skylar the Sky Squirrel and Scoop!

But day 5 is not the end but only the beginning. We learned what God wants us to do with all that we have learned: to SERVE. We learned about Peter, one of Jesus' disciples, and how he was called to serve.

After Jesus had died on the cross and raised again on Easter day, he appeared to his disciples and others several times. But his disciples still missed him, and were sad and confused about what had happened and why.

Peter, along with Thomas, Nathanael, and a few other disciples, were fishing all night in the Sea of Tiberias. In the morning, they had still caught nothing, and were tired and worn down. A stranger on the shore asked, "Friends, have you any food to share?" They answered, "No. We have caught nothing." The stranger said, "Cast your nets over the right side of the boat and you will find some." They cast their nets and were not able to pull the net into the boat from the large number of fish. They looked to the shore and shouted "It is the Lord" for they recognized him as Jesus!

When Peter heard that Jesus was on shore, he jumped into the sea and swam to shore. The others came on the little boat, pulling the net of fish behind them. They had breakfast with Jesus on the shore. Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love me?". Peter said, "Yes, Lord, I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my lambs." Again, Jesus asked, "Do you love me?". Peter answered again, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." Jesus answered, "Tend my sheep." Again, Jesus asked, "Peter, do you love me?". Peter was sad and thought Jesus was asking again because He did not believe Peter's answer. Peter said, "Lord, you know all things. You surely know how I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my sheep. Follow me."

What does this story mean? Does Jesus have a farm that he wants Peter to look after? Who are all these sheep He is talking about? They are you and me. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is asking Peter to take care of His flock of sheep; His followers, the church. Peter must show his love for Jesus through caring for others as Jesus did.

Jesus is calling us to serve as well, to share His love with others in the community and around the world. With God's help, we can take all we have learned this week and share it with others so that they, too, will be able to soar to new heights with God.

Running Out of Air:
A hot air balloon cannot soar without any air. It is just a big piece of nylon lying on the ground, not going anywhere. It has all of the tools it needs; the burner, the basket, the pilot; but lying on the ground, it does no one any good. It's the same with us if we choose not to serve. We have the tools, the leader, and everything we need, but our ministry will go nowhere without some "energy" behind it!

Power Prayer:
"Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths." Psalm 25:4