Monday, July 7, 2008

We Have Lift Off!

Good day, all, and thank you for a wonderful first day of VBS 2008! We had a great turnout and a lot of fun on day 1. We are learning some wonderful songs, had a great time with Scoop & Skylar, did an experiment with Dr. B. A. Loon, and had delicious Lift Off cups as a snack.

Day 1: Follow

Have you ever played "Follow the Leader"? It's a fun game that I played as a kid, but it's a "game" that people play every day. In our lives, we have a lot of people that give us direction: police officers, doctors, teachers, parents, bosses and supervisors, and many more. Where would we be if we didn't have these people to give us direction in our lives?

We learned, from Dr. B.A. Loon, that if we don't follow a plan for our lives, we are like a deflating balloon, flying aimlessly through the air. We heard the story of Abraham & Sarah, and how they followed God's plan and it took them to a great place in their life.

They were both very old and had no children. Yet God promised them their descendents would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. When Abraham was 90 years old, God told him to pack up their belongings and move to a different land. So they did. They didn't have moving vans back then, so Abraham and Sarah dismantled their house (tent), loaded up the cattle and oxen, and went the way God told them.

Even though it was hard for them to believe they would have any children, especially as they got older and older, they still had faith in God's great plan for them. And one day when they were both nearing 100 years old, their covenant with God was fulfilled and their first of many sons, Isaac, was born.

God had a plan for Abraham and Sarah, and even though they couldn't see it, they believed and knew God had the best things in mind for them. We know now that God's way may not always be the easy way or the fun way, but it most certainly is the right way!

Fun Ballooning Fact:

Being up in a hot air balloon is an amazing experience. Imagine being up above the earth looking down at the beautiful scenery, far away from the noise and bustle. But even when a hot air balloon is far up in the air, it is not alone! On the ground beneath are people who follow the balloon in a car or truck, wherever it goes. They are the “Chase Crew”. Their job is to know where the balloon is at all times. This way the balloon can’t get lost, and if they have trouble there is someone there to come to their rescue. It makes the pilot and passengers feel safe, and never really alone.

Tomorrow's Lesson: Trust