Saturday, July 12, 2008

Thank You for Another Wonderful Year!

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Col. 3:17

A hearty thanks goes out to all the people who helped in any way with the VBS program this year. There really aren't any small or unimportant jobs: we needed you all and we praise God for all of you!

Thanks to Marie for all her work with registraion and keeping track of attendance too.

We had three very special guests: Skylar the Sky Squirrel; Scoop, the newspaper reporter for the Hot Air Ballyhoo; and Dr. Bathilda Angelica Loretta Loon, the Skyologist. Thanks to Keaton Spitzke, Pastor Beinert, and Deborah Charles for bringing these guests to VBS!

To our Pilots, Navigators, Craft Engineers, Coaches, Song Spinners, and Hostesses, who spent their time working with the children: thank you! You did a fabulous job!

Our Sky High Child Care people were much appreciated. Thank you! Photographers took all kinds of super pictures. Thank you! There were many people who worked behind the scenes preparing crafts, food and other supplies, and supported with financial assistance and prayer. We couldn't have done it without you. Thank you!

Special mention goes out to the few parents who brought their children and stayed to help. You made the load just a little bit lighter and we appreciate it!

Special mention also to the Chase Crew, the class of Grade 6/7 students, who were there to learn the lessons AND help with various activities. They were very obliging and willing to do all asked of them. Job well done!

Of course, behind all of this was the planning committee, who spent many hours planning and preparing for this week as well as participating in many various ways. Thank you!

Thank you to the parents, grandparents, and other caregivers who brought the children, and thanks for all the children for coming. We hope to see you again next year!

To everyone, your involvement in our VBS program is a real blessing. May God continue to bless you and draw you closer to Himself.