Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day 3: Listen

It's day 3 and that means VBS is half over already. Time sure is flying by, so much activity in the day and then busy getting ready for the next day. It's good to take a little time and rest and reflect on what is really important. That's what Mary did in our story today.

Mary and her sister, Martha, were busy in the house getting it cleaned and ready for their company, Jesus. But when Jesus arrived, Mary sat down at his feet and listened to his stories and lessons. Martha kept on working, cleaning the house, cooking the food, and busying herself with other important tasks.

The longer Martha worked and Mary sat, Martha became more and more agitated. Finally, she went to Jesus and said, "Look, Jesus, how Mary sits all day while I work. Tell her she has to help me." Jesus looked at Martha calmly and said, "Mary has chosen to do something better, and I will not stop her". Does Jesus mean that we should never do any work? Of course not. By choosing to put aside the tasks of this world and spending time quietly listening to Jesus, Mary showed her true priority in her life.

A good lesson for all of us. How easy it is to get wrapped up in our own busy little lives that we overlook what is really important. Sometimes we can accomplish the most just by stopping and listening to God.

Be Still:
Balloonists usually fly in the early morning hours or just before sunset. That is because the winds are at their calmest at these times. Since they travel with the wind, everything is completely quiet when the burner is off. If you listen carefully you can hear far off sounds, like dogs barking.
Sometimes we need to have quiet times to “listen” to God. He speaks to us through his Word. What kinds of things might we hear if we listen carefully?

Power Prayer:
"Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God." Psalm 143:10a

Tomorrow's Lesson: Repent